Our Services
It’s a savings that enables members to accumulate funds for emergency purposes
Secured Loans
Credit Facilities
Cash Advanced
Read MoreIt’s a savings that enables members to accumulate funds for farming purposes.
Secured Loans
Credit Facilities
Cash Advanced
Read MoreIt is a savings that enables members to accumulate funds for education purposes. It’s accumulated for a period of one year
It earns interest once dividends & interest are declared
Secured Loans
Credit Facilities
Cash Advanced
Read MoreIt’s a saving with a minimum monthly contribution of Kshs.500, which enables a member to accumulate funds for their children for future use.
One can accesses 70% of the savings after the second year
Premature withdrawal of funds (before two years are over, an administrative cost of Kshs.2, 000/= will be charged
Can access full amount saved after the 5th year.
Secured Loans
Credit Facilities
Cash Advanced
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